Our Beginnings and Growth

NFFV started in 2016 over a concern one man had with what the state and local school boards were proposing regarding the sexualization of children brought forth under the guise of compressive sex education.  That started the grass roots growth of Nebraskans for Founders’ Values.  As the organization grew so did its Vision and Mission.  Now NFFV closely monitors our legislature while continuing to stay alert to the happenings in our Public Schools. Our focus areas continue to grow and evolve as issues arise.  In the spirit of the Minuteman, NFFV keeps a tireless watch while maintaining its readiness to act at moment’s notice.       

What are the Founders’ Values that NFFV holds must dear?  God-fearing is the value that remains at the top.  Though many are trying to erase the fact that our country was built on the Judeo-Christian believe in the one true God, the evidence of that is indisputable.  Through this country’s darkest hours, Americans have called in prayer to Him.  God has thus far blessed this country for that.  NFFV works to ensure we don’t turn our back on God now.

Our Vision

NFFV will be the primary resource for Nebraska legislators and citizens for enacting legislation based in our Founders’ values of God fearing, life’s intrinsic value, and individual freedoms by educating voters in the legislative process, awakening citizens who have been lulled into lethargy, and mobilizing the silent majority to recapture the public square.

Our Mission
A two-fold process of:

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